who am i?
Who am I? I aspire to be a musician...whether or not I currently am seems to be up in the air. I play piano mainly but also cello + pipe organ...I LOVE MUSIC!!!!!!! That's really any music, from Guillaume de Machaut to Lana D[should the 'D' be capitalised?]el Rey - though of course there are many, many outliers (cough, cough, haydn).
Writing: I write - both fiction and non-fiction but the fiction is sort of bad...if I don't think something particularly serious I have written is suitable for publication, but I'd still like to share it, I'll post it here. In the unlikely event that I do get published somewhere, I'll link to the publication! I also put less serious, more rambly writing on the 'ramblings' page on this web-site.
I also have a hundred and one random interests, for which I might occasionally make pages on this site. I don't so much lose obsessions as gain new ones but as of writing I'm quite into the music of Chetna Natya Manch and am considering making a page cataloguing all of their activities which I can find details for (though I have a chemistry test tomorrow so give me some time)...
Random trivia !!!!
- I live in the UK (unfortunately)
- My favourite composer is Messiaen, though the list of composers I rate could go on forever.
- Sylvia Plath is my favourite poet BUT I'm relatively unread poetry-wise so I'm not really qualified to have one lol
- I am kind of obsessed with ducks (in fact, until I was like seven I was convinced I WAS a duck) and in my room there are like, 40 wooden/porcelain/metal/paper mache models of ducks collected from wherever I visit or charity shops in my area...& I have a lamp with ducks on it, wallpaper with ducks on it, a pillow on my bed has ducks on it, and my keychain has a duck on it...evidently they're my favourite animal !!!
- I have hay fever
- Ich lerne Deutsch zu sprechen, obwohl ich mehr Praxis brauche. Wenn Sie Deutsch gut sprechen, senden Sie bitte mir eine E-Mail, weil ich mit Ihnen ueben moechte (es sei denn, sind Sie langweilig, aber ich WEISS, dass Sie nicht, da Sie diese Web-site jetzt ansehen!)...ich habe auch Latein und Franzoesich studiert, aber ich habe wahrscheinlich sie vergessen...
Personal links
Youtube - here I occasionally post recordings of myself playing piano, if that's of any interest to anyone !!! In four hundred years when I have time to do things again I might make a few actual videos. I have a few ideas.
Goodreads - I'm quite a slow reader but I like looking at Goodreads for recommendations so if you add me you might be able to convince me to read one of your faves !!!
Letterboxd - no idea why I even have this, considering I rarely watch films but whatever